Super Sienna


Meet the lovely little Sienna.  I came across her story on Twitter and immediately knew this little superhero needed her cape. 

She is an amazing little hero fighting Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma ( an aggressive form of cancer of the specialised nerve cells called the neural crest cells). She was diagnosed when she was 20 months old. Not only was Sienna battling cancer, she was also diagnosed as having a rare form of heart muscle disease called cardiomyopathy, with very poor heart function.

A fund has been set up on behalf of Sienna as the relapse rate for neuroblastoma is incredibly high and with no protocol in the UK and treatment options overseas are not funded by the NHS. If you wish to donated please visit her site, click here.

Her parents are also updating her progress on her site so please do visit and read more about this amazing hero and give what you can.